JUMP TOA Gentle Introduction to StrigaBuilding on Striga - Crypto & Banking APIsExample: Crypto On-Ramps & Off-RampsGetting Started with StrigaAuthenticating with the API (API Authentication)JS HMAC Sample SnippetPHP HMAC Sample SnippetC# HMAC Sample SnippetJava HMAC Sample SnippetTesting with PostmanCode PreviewsKYC/KYB SDKWebhook NotificationsConfiguring WebhooksWebhook EndpointsKYC Status WebhooksKYB Status WebhooksCard Transaction WebhooksIntra/Inter Platform Transaction WebhooksCrypto Deposit/Withdrawal WebhooksBank Transfer WebhooksLightning Network Transaction WebhooksContract Call WebhooksCurrency Swap WebhooksMiscellaneous WebhooksCard Status WebhooksEnd Users - Consumers & BusinessesConsumer Onboarding FlowFetch User PII DatapostGet KYC StatusgetStart KYCpostVerify User MobilepostResend SMSpostVerify User Email AddresspostResend EmailpostGet User By EmailpostGet User By IDgetUpdate UserpatchCreate UserpostTiered KYCVerification WorkflowBusiness Onboarding FlowCreate BusinesspostUpdate BusinesspatchGet Business by IDgetGet Business by EmailpostVerify Business Email AddresspostResend EmailpostVerify Business MobilepostResend SMSpostStart KYBpostGet KYB StatusgetEnrichmentsCreating Deposit CredentialsEnrich AccountpostWallets & AccountsStoring ValueMoving Money AroundInitiate Intraledger TransactionpostInitiate Interledger TransactionpostInitiate SEPA PaymentpostWhitelist Destination AddresspostGet Whitelisted User Destination AddressespostGet Withdrawal Fee EstimatepostInitiate Onchain WithdrawalpostDeposit via LightningpostInitiate Bitcoin Lightning WithdrawalpostConfirm transaction with OTPpostResend OTP for transactionpostGet Transactions By IdpostConsumer Wallets & TransactionsGet Account StatementpostGet Account By IdpostGet All Wallets By UserpostGet Wallet By IdpostCreate WalletpostBusiness Wallets & TransactionsCreate Business WalletpostGet Wallet By IdpostGet All WalletspostGet Account By IdpostGet Account StatementpostGet Account StatementpostEnrich AccountpostWhitelist Destination AddresspostGet Whitelisted Business Destination AddressespostSwap CurrenciespostInitiate Inter ledger TransactionpostInitiate Intra ledger TransactionpostGet Withdrawal Fee EstimatepostInitiate Onchain WithdrawalpostDeposit via LightningpostInitiate Bitcoin Lightning WithdrawalpostConfirm transaction with OTPpostResend OTP for transactionpostInitiate SEPA PaymentpostCardsCreating and Managing CardsDestroy a Virtual CardpostUpdate Card LimitspatchUpdate Card SettingspatchUpdate 3D Secure SettingspatchReport Card MissingpostActivate Physical CardpostReplace CardpostUnblock CardpostBlock CardpostGet Card StatementpostGet Cards By UserpostLink AccountpatchGet CardgetCreate CardpostLinking AccountsCard PAN UI ComponentsCustomizationMethodsCreateRequest ConsentRenderRevoke Consent (UI)postResend Consent Code (UI)postConfirm Consent (UI)postTokensSuspend TokenpostResume TokenpostDeactivate TokenpostActivate TokenpostGet TokenpostGet All Card TokenspostApple Pay Push ProvisioningpostGoogle Pay Push ProvisioningpostStanding OrdersAutomated Swaps & WithdrawalsCreate Standing OrderpostResend Standing Order OTPpostConfirm or Cancel a standing order with an OTPpostCancel Standing OrderpostGet all standing orderspostGet one standing order by its IDpostResume/Execute Standing OrderpostExchangeCurrency SwapsSwap CurrenciespostExchange RatespostManaging your corporateYour Corporate Account at StrigaCorporate SwapspostGet Corporate Account StatementpostGet All Corporate AccountspostGet Corporate Account By IdpostWhitelist Corporate Destination AddresspostGet Whitelisted Corporate Destination AddressespostError CodesError CodesPowered by Get Wallet By Idpost https://www.sandbox.striga.com/api/v1/wallets/business/getFetch a wallet and its associated accounts with a wallet Id