
Add cards to Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and other mobile payment systems

Use the following APIs to manage the lifecycle of tokens when implementing manual or push provisioning.

To understand which token was provisioned to which wallet, all token API responses will contain a requestorId mapped as follows -

Apple Pay40010030273
Google Pay4001007500
Samsung Pay40010043095
Fitbit Pay40010077056
Fidesmo Pay40010080419
Garmin Pay40010069887

The type parameter of the token API responses can be understood as follows -

CARD_ON_FILEThis card is used for a subscription service
SECURE_ELEMENTThe card is enrolled into a wallet, eg: Apple Pay
HCE(Only for Android and EEA) - HCE based contactless transactions for payment apps in the EEA
QRCQuick Response Code - Payments via QR codes
ECOMMERCEThe card is saved for an e-commerce purchase

For Apple Pay for example, a requestorId of 40010030273 + a type of SECURE_ELEMENT and a status of ACTIVE would mean that the card is enrolled into Apple Pay.