Under Development
Please note, these error codes are under development as we move documentation to an OpenAPI spec. with well typed requests/responses and error messages. Until then, the below is meant to serve as a reference only.
Error Code | Description |
00000 | Default Error Code - Invalid fields passed in request body |
00001 | Internal Server Error |
00002 | Validator Errors - Invalid fields passed in request body |
00003 | Exceeded Email Verification Attempt Count |
00004 | Card product configuration error |
00005 | Exceeded Forgot Password Attempt Count |
00006 | Forgot Password Session Error |
00010 | Error Refreshing Refresh Token - Expired JWT/Refresh Token or FA Error |
00011 | Application Does Not Exist |
00012 | Feature not implemented yet |
00013 | Internal Service Error |
30000 | Invalid API Key |
30002 | Exceeded Email Verification Attempt Count |
30003 | Exceeded Mobile Verification Attempt Count |
30004 | Invalid Mobile Verification Code |
30005 | User does not exist |
30006 | Invalid patch user |
30007 | User not verified |
30008 | User is already verified |
30009 | User verification is in progress |
30010 | KYC rejected, user cannot retry |
30011 | KYC attempt limit exceeded |
30012 | Invalid Authentication Header |
30013 | Invalid request - Card ID & User ID mismatch |
30014 | Third-party API failure |
30015 | Invalid card limits |
30016 | Card is not of type physical |
30017 | Card is already blocked |
30018 | Card should be blocked to be unblocked |
30019 | 3D Secure should be enabled for the card before activation |
30020 | 3D Secure is already disabled |
30021 | 3D Secure is not enabled |
30022 | Invalid card ID |
30023 | Card can be activated only if it is ordered |
30024 | Card can be blocked only when the card is activated (applies to only physical cards) |
30025 | Card cannot be unblocked if it was blocked as Lost or Stolen |
30026 | Card 3D Secure cannot be enabled when not in 'ACTIVE' state for physical cards |
30027 | Card cannot be activated if it is not in "Dispatched" status |
30028 | Card activation error |
30029 | Insufficient Permissions to Access Resource |
30030 | Email & Mobile not verified to start KYC |
30031 | Bad transfer request |
30032 | Cannot start KYC |
30033 | Non-ACTIVE card being linked |
30034 | This account cannot be linked to this card |
30036 | Please request an OTP before verifying |
30037 | Please provide at least one transaction fee to update |
30038 | Email cannot be the same as the existing email |
30039 | Email already exists |
30040 | Mobile cannot be the same as the existing mobile number |
30041 | Mobile number already exists |
30042 | This route is restricted and cannot be accessed |
30043 | User is suspended |
30044 | Email/Mobile already verified |
30045 | Below Minimum Trade Value |
30046 | Restricted Jurisdiction |
30059 | Cannot replace card |
30060 | Error fetching token provisioning data |
30061 | Card does not exist |
30099 | Disallowed Transaction |
30100 | Card not active |
30101 | Card does not have a PIN |
31001 | Invalid IBAN/BIC |
31002 | Account not enriched |
31003 | Self SEPA transfer attempted |
31004 | Insufficient balance |
31005 | SEPA destination is a non-enriched or inactive account |
31006 | LN withdrawal in progress |
31007 | Self LN transfer attempted |
31008 | Exceeded Mobile Resend Count |
31009 | Mobile number already verified |
31010 | Exceeded Email Resend Count |
31011 | Wallet ID not found |
31012 | Error occurred while creating the card |
31024 | Core service error |
31025 | Error while initiating LN transaction |
31026 | Error while initiating SEPA transaction |
31027 | Error encountered during instant swap process |
31028 | Please try again later. Too many attempts? |
31029 | Error while sending multi-currency transaction |
31030 | Error while initiating inter/intra transaction |
31031 | Error while processing external service provider |
31032 | Error while initiating on-chain transaction |
31033 | Error while fetching email/mobile expiry details |
31038 | Invalid fee estimate - Please verify configured fee parameters |
31047 | Error accessing the requested resource |
31048 | Account operation expired |
31055 | Rate limit exceeded |
31062 | Funds cannot be sent in this direction |
31064 | Invalid OTP |
31065 | Too many 2FA attempts |
31067 | Invalid transaction type specified |
31069 | Mobile number not set for the account |
31073 | Invalid wallet ID provided |
31075 | Invalid user ID provided |
31078 | Invalid withdrawal fee specified |
31079 | Account has already been enriched |
31081 | Error occurred during enrichment process |
31082 | Invalid currency specified |
31083 | User not found in the system |
31088 | Trade value is below the minimum allowed |
31090 | Insufficient balance for the transaction |
31092 | Error occurred while creating user account |
31093 | Error occurred while patching user data |
31094 | Error encountered while sending verification code |
32012 | Card creation limit reached |
32013 | accountIdToLink is required when a fee is configured |
32014 | Invalid account ID for this operation |
32015/31009 | Mobile number already exists |
32016 | Invalid mobile number |
32017 | User is terminated |
41001 | Invalid currency/network pair |
41002 | Address already whitelisted |
41003 | Address cannot be whitelisted |
41004 | Address not whitelisted |
41005 | Invalid destination address on send |
41006 | Invalid address |
41007 | Account lacks permissions for this feature |
41008 | Withdrawal fees exceed the amount |
41009 | Liquidity provider error |
60001 | User limit exceeded |