We provide customizations for embedding the UX component into your project. These will allow you to build them in a manner that meets your design requirements.
Possible customizations:
Custom Style
You can customize the UX component using the' style' key.
const customStyle = {
"word-spacing": "4px",
"font-size": "20px",
"letter-spacing": "2px",
color: "#fff",
"text-align": "center",
"font-weight": "bold",
"@font-face": {
"font-family": "Space Mono",
"font-style": "normal",
'url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Space+Mono:ital,wght@0,400;0,700;1,400;1,700&display=swap) format("woff2")',
"unicode-range": "U+0400-045F, U+0490-0491, U+04B0-04B1, U+2116"
"font-family": '"Space Mono", monospace'
cardId: <CARD_ID>,
style: customStyle
Hide/Unhide secret
Using the hideData
key, you can mask the card number.
cardId: <CARD_ID>,
hideData: Boolean,
Custom masked card number
Using the maskedCardNumber
key, you can provide a custom mask format.
cardId: <CARD_ID>,
hideData: Boolean,
maskedCardNumber: "487130******1480",
Custom element IDs
Using the id
key, you can provide an element id.
Default value id "striga"
id: "cvv", // element id <span id="cvv" />
cardId: <CARD_ID>,
Rendering multiple elements at once
You can also render multiple components such as the card number and the CVV using the create
Please note that you must await
each render
method if you are rendering multiple elements.
StrigaUXPlugin.create('<UI_SECRET>', { applicationId: '<APPLICATION_ID>' })
await StrigaUXPlugin.render(
id: "cvv", // element id <span id="cvv" />
cardId: <CARD_ID>,
await StrigaUXPlugin.render(
id: "card_number", // element id <span id="card_number" />
cardId: <CARD_ID>,
The callback will provide you with a response when the secrets are mounted in the elements.
The response will give you either success
or error
StrigaUXPlugin.render(<KEY>, <OPTIONS>, <CALLBACK>)
cardId: CARD_ID,
hideData: Boolean,
style: fontStyle
(data) => {
console.log("UX CardNumber status", data);
Custom Copy Button Icon
You can customize the icon used for the copy button with the copyButtonSvgIcon
key. This only has an effect if enableCardNumberCopy
is set to true. You should provide the SVG markup as a string.
If the copyButtonSvgIcon
is not specified, a default copy icon will be used.
cardId: CARD_ID,
hideData: Boolean,
enableCardNumberCopy: true,
maskedCardNumber: "487130******1480",
copyButtonSvgIcon:`<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="#fff" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M14.5859 22H7.125C5.40182 22 4 20.5982 4 18.875V8.28906C4 6.56589 5.40182 5.16406 7.125 5.16406H14.5859C16.3091 5.16406 17.7109 6.56589 17.7109 8.28906V18.875C17.7109 20.5982 16.3091 22 14.5859 22ZM7.125 6.72656C6.26349 6.72656 5.5625 7.42755 5.5625 8.28906V18.875C5.5625 19.7365 6.26349 20.4375 7.125 20.4375H14.5859C15.4474 20.4375 16.1484 19.7365 16.1484 18.875V8.28906C16.1484 7.42755 15.4474 6.72656 14.5859 6.72656H7.125ZM20.8359 16.9219V5.125C20.8359 3.40182 19.4341 2 17.7109 2H9.03906C8.60754 2 8.25781 2.34973 8.25781 2.78125C8.25781 3.21277 8.60754 3.5625 9.03906 3.5625H17.7109C18.5724 3.5625 19.2734 4.26349 19.2734 5.125V16.9219C19.2734 17.3534 19.6232 17.7031 20.0547 17.7031C20.4862 17.7031 20.8359 17.3534 20.8359 16.9219Z" fill="#fff"/>
(data) => {
if (data.isCardNumberCopied) {
console.log("Card number copied successfully!");