
Dashboard Changelog 08.07.2022

  1. Create a card with an account linked - Whenever you create a card for the user, we will ask you to select the account you want to connect.
  2. Showing bank details in the EUR account - When you navigate to the EUR account of users, you will be able to view the EUR bank details.
  3. View/update account linking details in cards - On the cards page, you can view the respective account linked to this card, also an option that allows you to update with a different account.
  4. View the linked card on the accounts page.
  5. Allowing users to copy basic IDs of accounts, cards, and tx.
  6. Transfer - Intra Ledger Transactions, i.e., transfer between two consumers with different/same currencies.
  7. Transfer - Inter Ledger Transactions. i.e., transfer between consumer or corporate and visa versa with same/different currencies.
  8. Added all types of transactions on the tx details page.